Sunday, March 9, 2014

Art For Healing in North Orange County

First a weight loss/giving up wine update. Yes! The weight is slowly melting off! Today I tried on a dress I bought about six months ago that didn't fit me when it arrived. It fits now! I have a new dress for the wedding I'm going to next weekend. Yay.

Okay, the real purpose of this post is to promote Art4Healing in North Orange County. Come try it out! It's relaxing, meditative, and fun. You don't have to be an artist. I'm doing classes on Sunday afternoons from 2-4 and I plan on adding classes on either Thursday afternoons or Thursday evenings, depending on interest.

Here's the information: Call Shany at Mission Art Center to sign up.

For Registration Call 714-402-8535

These two hour Workshops teach you how to express feeling with colors using the Art For Healing (r) method created by Laurie Zagon. Participants will process their feelings abstractly on canvas while learning about colors, composition, and other elements of art.

At the end of each session, participants will have 2-3 completed canvases to take home with them. All supplies are provided by the instructor for a nominal fee. No prior art experience is required. In fact, many times some of the best paintings are done by people who have never painted prior to the workshop. It isn't about talent; it's about the process and what you learn about yourself while doing the painting.

Come join a group and see for yourself just how creative you can be!


Most Sunday afternoons from 2-4 PM Call for dates

Mission Art Center
1730 N. Tustin Street
Orange CA 92865


Art For Healing in North Orange County Healing Workshops

Kathy Pratt Kathy Pratt RN, BSN, PHN Art4Healing®Certified Facilitator

Kathy has worked as a nurse for many years. She's found that a wonderful way to reduce stress is through art and creativity. A few years ago she began taking art classes at the Mission Art Center concentrating on painting with oils. A friend introduced her to Art4Healing, a method of supporting emotional healing through art and creative expression using color. She attended a workshop, joined the women's guild, and was hooked.

The next step was taking the Art4Healing® Facilitator Certification program so she can now give back and share the experience with others. Now she is able to offer workshops at the Mission Art Center in Orange, where she is still taking art instruction as well.