Thursday, July 24, 2014


I bought Buddy a harness. Does that make him a service dog? Actually, I bought him a harness because he slipped out of his collar when we were walking this morning. He wanted to go visit a dog friend and I didn't want to go that direction, so he backed up and it came off. Anyway, that's not the point of this blog--Fake Service Dog Certificates is the point.

Sometime my MOUTH engage before I really think things through. You all know I'm a dog lover. I went to Costco to get the stock stuff. A 30 something couple, very healthy appearing, were inside with their small chihuahua/terrier dog. As I walked by I wondered how they'd gotten in with a dog on a leash. Shortly after that, I happened to pass by them again just as I hear the woman say, "Hurry, he has to go..." Just then the dog took a giant dump (for a small dog) on the floor. I said, "And that's why dogs aren't allowed in stores that sell food." I walked on and the young man said, "Excuse me! He's a service dog." I then said, "Oh? Did you buy it on line?" He then said, as he pulled out his wallet, "I have the certification right here." I said, "I'm not the police. I don't need to see it. I think it's tacky that your service dog took a shit in the middle of the floor in Costco." I know, I know, I should have kept my mouth shut. I shouldn't have judged them. Maybe it was a service dog? However, I don't believe for a minute that it was. It, and they, didn't behave like a well trained service dog does. Aren't they trained not to eliminate inside? I would think so.

My intuition told me they did buy a certificate online. I googled Service Dog Certificates and numerous money making sites popped up. All I had to do was send a picture of Buddy with my information and money, and I, too could have a service dog. While I was shopping, Buddy was happily at home sleeping in the air conditioned house. I don't think he even cared about going to Costco. I've seen other people sneak their dogs into stores and I never said a thing. They usually took precautions like wrapping the dog up and putting them in the basket like a baby, or, had them in a small carrier or purse. And I really don't care if you take your dog in other stores, but food stores? No! And if your dog isn't housebroken, then DON'T LET IT DOWN ON THE FLOOR!

Seriously now, is this fair to the people that are truly disabled and have well trained service dogs? I think not. Actually, it's also very dishonest and does more harm than good. BEHAVE people!

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