Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Restore Previous Session

I wish it were that easy. Last week my computer crashed and after several days of going back and forth with tech support, my hard drive was totally wiped out and I had to start over. I learned an expensive lesson in the process; never, never throw out old program CD's thinking you won't need them again. After searching for my Microsoft works CD in every spot I could think of, a tiny memory in the back of my brain began to grow, telling me I'd thrown it away the last time I loaded it onto a computer. For $149.00 I was able to buy a new Microsoft CD and load it back. During this process I was frustrated, angry at the computer gods, sad at the items I lost that can't be retrieved, and grateful that I did have most everything backed up.

The process also got me thinking about how my life has been lately. I crashed. My mother died. No matter how prepared you think you are, you're not. No one can take the place of Mommy. Especially when you had a really good Mommy who turned into a really good friend later in your life. Now I have to figure out how to rebuild my hard drive and get all the programs reinstalled. Some of them are lost forever, I'm sure. I'm grateful for the items that can be reinstalled. It's going to take a lot of work, I know. I doubt that I will emerge the better for far my computer isn't better, in fact it's no where near where it was before. But who knows? Maybe I'll get part of my previous session restored.

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