Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm With Anne Rice on This One

I read an interview recently with Anne Rice on why she's now finished with organized religion, and I'm with her. There have been a lot of last straws for me...the book to the left explains one of the last straws ( Among other last straws is the Pastor that transferred to our church a few years ago. He's lost a lot of parishioners because of his "it's all about me" style of preaching. I'm so sick of his strutting and pontificating that I can't stand it any longer. The last, last straw for me, though, is the Nun who was excommunicated for being on the ethics committee in her hospital and agreeing to allow the termination of a pregnancy on a woman who was going to die if it wasn't done. The woman was only 11 weeks pregnant but had three young children at home. An 11 week old fetus cannot survive outside the womb, so there would have been two deaths for the family instead of one. I think that was the last straw for Anne Rice, too.

Okay, well maybe I'll give organized religion one more chance. We've attended an Ecumenical Catholic Church twice now and I'm really liking it. I feel closer to God in that small church than in the big one where the Priest has taken over. This church is truly a community. Or so it seems so far. I've always got Kabbalah on the side........

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