Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ulcerative Colitis Sucks Big Time II

Two years ago I posted about my most recent visit with the GI doctor for a follow-up regarding my Ulcerative Colitis. Since then, things have improved. I started seeing a nutritionist who changed my diest and put me on a variety of supplements. I discovered, with her help, that though I'm not allergic to gluten, I do have a gluten intolerance. I've made dietary changes and my life is much more manageable now.
I'd like to tell you all that even though Ulcerative Colitis Sucks Big Time, it doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Keep searching. Keep looking for answers. I now know that I will have many quality years ahead of me. Check into alternative therapies. It cant's hurt, and hopefully it will help.
PS: My most recent sigmoidoscopy showed a lot of improvement with the dietary and supplemental changes I've made.

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