Saturday, November 17, 2012


The following is a story from the early years of my nursing career. I hope it gives you a good laugh. 

     I was 27 years old, a married mother of a small child and assigned to the spinal cord injury unit. The hospital was, and is a world renowned center for spinal cord injury
rehabilitation. The unit I was working on specialized in caring for patients who had complications that required around the clock nursing care. Most of these patients had been through rehabilitation, already gone home, then developed an infection or a pressure sore that needed treatment.
     Chuy was a 19 year old incomplete quadraplegic, meaning he was paralyzed from the neck down but had some movement and sensation in parts of his body. He'd been in a gang in East Los Angeles and became a quadraplegic due to a gunshot wound. He was tattooed and obnoxious. He had a wound in his groin area from an infected cyst that had to be cleaned, packed with gauze, and dressed every 8 hours. On the day shift, it was my job to do the dressing.
     Each day I would gather the supplies I needed, take them to his bedside and set them up on the table. Once everything was ready I'd put on my gloves and pull back the sheets to expose Chuy's groin area. Invariably, he would have an erection and lie there grinning at me. Sometimes he would bounce his buttocks up and down on the bed and make crude suggestions. Nothing I did or said made any difference. I asked him nicely to cut it out. I ignored him. I demanded that he quit doing it, but he still did it every time.
     Finally, one day I'd had enough. In addition to the dressing supplies, I filled a large styrofoam cup with crushed ice. As soon as Chuy started his obscene antics, I took the cup of ice and dumped it over his erect penis, which to my delight shriveled immediately. I smiled at Chuy in triumph and never had to use the iced penis treatment again.

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